Under Blue Skies by Sally StallingsStarved for color, beauty, and a piece of blue from above. I craved splendor of the California I have always loved. This was my focus. Recently we lost our California. Acres of fiery infernos have incinerated homes and forests once teaming with wildlife and cherished irreplaceable memories. Homes that hosted family dinners, wedding celebrations, children off to school, graduation parties all gone… charred beyond recognition into smoldering black crusts, stumps, slabs of blackened concrete, and grey powdery earth. Grey ash, like fish scales, wandering from putrid skies poisoning every breath you take. We lost security and safety from a horrifying pandemic that smacked everyone in the face with fear of sickness, death, and necessary isolation from family and friends. This unrelenting oppression from Covid and smoke saturated skies has been suffocating. I have felt psychologically imprisoned in a smothering nightmare… There were times, however, on 8:00 o’clock morning walks I found relief in my 1920 neighborhoods. Stretches of sidewalks threaded together cared for homes, neighbors, and grassy colorful front yards. There were “good mornings” and “hellos, and “how are you”? from residents watering flower beds, pruning bushes, and mowing lawns while pajamaed kids roller skated in driveways…all home because of the shutdown. Wearing my N95 I heeded friendly neighbors conversing from one side of the street to the other. Social distance maintained. I nodded to straw hatted mothers planting flowers with babies close by in netted play pens. All were friendly. All courageous. Everyone a warrior struggling to maintain some sort of normalcy exerting sheer will and smiles to keep going forward. Some of these photos were taken on these morning walks. I dedicate my portion of this show to all our 2020-2021 medical personnel who fought and are still fighting the spreading Covid and to our fire fighters who suffer beyond measure, but continue on, braving the all -consuming firewalls of hell. I am so profoundly grateful.