Whispers of Nature by Franka M. Gabler
Exhibit: May 4 to May 28, 2023
Art Hop Reception: May 4, 2023 – 5PM to 8PM

For many years the photographer, Franka M. Gabler has been drawing inspiration from subtle, moody, often intimate landscapes. Her compositions are somewhere between detail or abstract, and the wider view, beyond mere documentation of a particular location. Such compositions allow her to isolate unique scenes that speak to her, from otherwise well-known places.
When in nature, Franka follows her intuition to see what entices her and draws her attention, hoping to recognize a simple story to capture the essence of the place. She’s inherently drawn to smaller, more intimate scenes that capture the spirit of a place, particularly to quiet and moody scenes. Snow, mist, fog, and even haze are her favorite conditions to photograph since they add a little extra to the composition – a bit of atmosphere and mood. To her, the composition is more than just a choice of subject and distribution of key elements of the scene. It also includes exposure decisions, and choice of light, color, contrast, and weather – all these elements are particularly helpful in depicting mood and capturing the essence.
The exhibit “Whispers of Nature” includes photographs of smaller, evocative scenes from Yosemite, Eastern Sierra, and Death Valley – the places she knows well and with which she has developed an emotional connection. Sometimes it’s about capturing subtle light, colors, and contrast. Other times it’s about capturing her experience in nature when making the images: the softness and silence of the falling snow, or a quiet time in a forest, observing nature that is preparing for rest.
Award-winning photographer and scientist, Franka M. Gabler, developed a fascination, admiration, and respect for nature early in her lifetime. For many years Franka has been photographing the magnificence of the high-country mountains and the California landscape. Her photographs are evocative – the light and atmosphere evident in her photographs often result in sentimental impact and ethereal feeling. She strives to capture the mood and the essence of the place she photographs.
Franka’s photographs have been recognized internationally, including the 2022 Landscape Photography World Awards (overall winner) and the 2021 Natural Landscape Photography First Place award in the category “Intimate and Abstract.” Her photographs are published in several books and she has been featured in several photography magazines. Franka has been invited to speak at several photography conferences.
Her work has been featured in numerous exhibits and is represented in private collections throughout the United States and abroad. She is affiliated with Stellar Gallery in Oakhurst, Circle Gallery in Madera, Ridgeline Gallery in Mariposa, Viewpoint Photographic Center in Sacramento, and Spectrum Fine Art Gallery in Fresno, CA.
As part of Spectrum’s educational series Friday Photography Live, Franka will be giving a presentation “Capturing and Expressing Mood in Landscape Photography” on May 19, 2023, at 7 pm at the Spectrum Art Gallery. The event is open to the public.
Spectrum Art Gallery’s New Hours of Operation:
Thursdays and Fridays: 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Saturdays and Sundays: 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM