This Is My World Juried Student Exhibition 2024

This Is My World: Juried Student Exhibition 2024

June 6 to 30, 2024

Art Hop Reception: June 6, 2024 • 5 – 8 PM 

Friday Photography Live Presentation: June 21, 2024 • 7 PM

Closing Reception: June 30, 2024 • 1 – 5 PM 

Photography encourages self-expression and creativity and can build confidence as well as a sense of individual identity. It can also help to develop critical thinking and the ability to interpret the world around us. Images for the student exhibition should be personal, meaningful, and indicative of identity. The process of photographic image making — from choosing subject matter to discovering new ways of manipulating light — requires “focus.” This very process of observing and creating, is, by nature, a meditative task that draws you into a mindful, peaceful state. In this sense, students can use their photography practice as a tool to curate and reframe the world around them.

It is with immense pride and joy that we extend a heartfelt congratulations to each and every one of these students on the success of this photo exhibition. Their creativity, passion, and dedication have culminated in a remarkable showcase of talent that not only captures the beauty of the world around us but also tells compelling stories through the lens of their cameras.

This exhibition is more than just a display of photographs; it is a testament of their hard work, artistic vision, and the courage to express themselves in unique and powerful ways. Each image reflects their individual perspectives and the collective spirit of their groups, highlighting the diversity and richness of our Central Valley community.

As you all continue to pursue your artistic endeavors, remember that you are not only creating art but also carrying on the important legacy of the photographic arts. Art has the power to inspire, to challenge, to provoke thought, and to evoke emotions. It bridges gaps between cultures, speaks truths that words cannot, and leaves an indelible mark on society.

By embracing your roles as artists, you are contributing to a tradition that spans centuries and transcends boundaries. You are the torchbearers of creativity and innovation, and your work will undoubtedly inspire future generations to see the world through fresh eyes and with open hearts.

Thank you for sharing your talents with us and for reminding us of the beauty and power of artistic expression. Congratulations on this outstanding achievement, and may this be the first of many successes in your artistic journeys.


Sandee Scott

Sandee expresses her passion for creativity through pastel painting, alcohol ink, cold wax and oil, mixed media projects, and photography. Her artwork has received recognition and won awards in local exhibits and she has been a participating artist in Sierra Art Trails since 2014. Additionally, she has felt honored to have her mixed media pieces accepted in recent Yosemite Renaissance exhibits. Her work can be seen intermittently at various venues sponsored by Yosemite Sierra Artists.

Dean Taylor

Over the last forty-five years his passion for photography has led him on
numerous photographic adventures. The majority of his photographic knowledge has come from participating in numerous workshops and seminars, and attending local camera club meetings, listening to and learning from guest judge’s critiques of his own and other’s images. He feels that whatever insight and photographic artistry he has accrued is a direct result of those sharing experiences. His experience as a photography judge includes judging for numerous camera clubs, camera club councils, county fairs, local photography shows, fine-arts organization’s gallery shows, and various Photographic Society of America sponsored international salons.

Steve Dzerigian

Weaving history, philosophy, and the natural world with artmaking, Steve Dzerigian adopted photography as his primary investigative and contemplative tool. The activities of photography and teaching it became his life’s work. He instructed field workshops for the University of California, Santa Cruz Extension from 1977 through 2007. For the Ansel Adams Gallery Photography Workshop in Yosemite, from 1984 to 1990, he was an assistant instructor and served as director one of those years. In 2002, he was co-coordinator for the “Ansel Adams Centennial Symposium in Yosemite, Edges and Intersections: The Evolution of Change”. Devoted to facilitating art and education in Central California for more than forty-five years, he has served as curator, juror, and consultant for many exhibitions, competitions, and media events, in addition to teaching photography full-time at Fresno City College. 

50 Years of Photography: A Retrospective by Tim A. Fleming

50+ Years of Photography: A Retrospective by Tim A. Fleming

May 2 to June 2, 2024

Art Hop Reception: May 2, 2024 • 4 – 8 PM 

Friday Photography Live Presentation and Q&A: May 10, 2024 • 7 PM

Artist Statement:

The Exhibition. Photographs 1966 to 2024. 

It is a collection of my images, from my teen age years to present time.

My earliest work.
I’ll show some of my earliest work, How I saw things (at ages 12 to 15), not my best work, of course, but just to compare. I started printing my own images at age 14 when I bought a Darkroom from a neighbor (only $10 down and $5 a month). Printing my own work gave me quick feedback that helped me to learn faster as I took roll after roll of film around Fresno, my neighborhood and at school.

High School and College
In high school, the photography teacher was an ART teacher who was “assigned” to teach photography. This was a good thing (for me) because I already knew the basics and he was exceptional at teaching artistic composition. While attending Fresno City college, the photography teacher was really a MATH professor and instead of retiring he stayed on to set up and grow the photography department. He taught photography by skillfully describing processes and techniques using mathematics and formulas. This was perfect timing for me as I was taking math and chemistry classes at the time. It made everything seem more interesting because I could see how the math could describe photographic processes, camera use and exposure.

The many Activities going on around me provided my subjects. My sister was
competing in gymnastics, so I made photographs of her team, this led to work from other teams. My mom showed my gymnastics photography to the Fresno Ballet group, I was hired to photograph the Ballerinas at their performances. I also worked several part time photography jobs during college to pay my bills (and buy more camera stuff). I exhibited my work at two different galleries there in Santa Cruz. 

Santa Cruz and Shaver Lake
I moved to Santa Cruz and got a Job at Bay Photo Lab in 1977. My boss let me use the lab after hours, to print my own work. I met many amazing photographers at the Lab. After moving to Shaver Lake, where I got my own darkroom up and running again, I made great strides in teaching myself the Ansel Adams Zone system using his series of books.

Back to Fresno
In 1978 to 1981, I traveled to cities in the Western states to sell my landscape photos at art shows and crafts fairs. My brother and I flew and sold Hang gliders during this time period, and we traveled to many hang glider mountain flying sites to meet new customers. This gave me more precious time to be in the mountains and capture wonderful landscape images as well as people flying.

My Brick and Morter Location.
1981 to 2001, I operated a professional Lab called Flash Foto. It had two locations. The tower district and a north Fresno store. We did black and white film and Color film developing, and printing. This gave me the opportunity to meet many great photographers from all over the country as they traveled through Fresno to California and the national parks. The company grew to over 100 commercial clients. I spent my vacations and long weekends out in nature, photographing whenever I could.

Working from Home
2002 to the present, I have enjoyed working as a professional photographer in my home studio building. I have also worked on my own “Artistic” and landscape photography. I traveled to several western states and in California making the images I will present here.
Thank You for reading,
Tim A. Fleming

On May 10, 7 pm, I will give a talk and Q&A about my life in photography at Spectrum Art Gallery. Using these Techniques, Processes and Styles I will present my work in these categories:
Landscapes and Still Life prints, Infra-Red Photography, Intentional Camera movement (ICM), Rorschach Inkblot Test or Mirror image-I call it “Flip n Fold”.
Painted photographs, a technique that uses Photoshop to paint over an image.
Portraits, in Color and Black and White – Painted – ICM – Performers – Sports.
Composite Images, combining 2 or more images into one piece.

Spectrum Art Gallery’s New Hours of Operation:

Thursdays and Fridays: 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Saturdays and Sundays: 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM

Vantage Point by Joshua Moulton & Jessica Barrett


Vantage Point by Joshua Moulton & Jessica Barrett

Exhibit: August 3 to Spetember 3, 2023
Art Hop Reception: August 3, 2023 – 5PM to 8PM
Artist Workshop: Editing Milky Way Photography
Saturday – August 19 %:30PM to 8PM
Genevan Door by Jessica Barrett

There are times when a shape, that peculiar slant of earth, or curl of bending light calls to us so compulsorily from both familiar and foreign spaces as if by some palpable force, some invisible guide that we are compelled to capture a
moment—to take some inch of memory to keep with us, to remind us. Sometimes we feel it in the patterned stone of a hollowed archway, or in the pull of an outstretched tree limb, regardless of what draws us in—our experiences and histories become vantage points on how we perceive and interact with the landscapes offered to us. What is worth a second look? What begs a conversation? What makes us feel something we can’t quite explain in any other way than through a photograph?

Joshua Moulton is an award-winning landscape photographer who seeks out large, imaginative scenes that skew towards the fantastical, while Jessica Barrett is a published poet who gravitates toward intimate, singular images whose quiet palpability can echo just as powerful. With a backpack chock full of camera gear—Joshua is ready for any condition as he will often be found ankle-deep in rivers, traversing questionable heights, and craning his neck upwards with digital Fuji in hand to capture a fleeting moment. Jessica is usually
found trailing behind, kneeling with her Polaroid camera in attempt to celebrate the small victory of a poppy budding or the sweet comfort of some imperfect pattern.

Vantage Point is a diary of two artists exploring the world together culminating in a collection of images that spans many years and countries with overlapping, yet discernible points of view. As husband and wife, this duo can usually agree on their next destination, but upon arrival, they oftentimes find themselves facing in differing directions, each conscious of what has led them to this moment in time, each searching for a glimpse of comfort or nagging curiosity, each tracing images with only the light they are given.

Both artists are CSU Fresno alumni: Joshua received his BA in Geography, while Jessica received her MFA in Creative Writing. When not traveling, these Central California natives stay close to home in Clovis with their two cats.

Josh will host an editing Milky Way photography workshop Saturday, August 19. 2023 5:30 PM to 8 PM at the gallery – 608 E. Olive

Spectrum Art Gallery’s New Hours of Operation:

Thursdays and Fridays: 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Saturdays and Sundays: 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM

Fairy Circle by Joshua Moulton

Whispers of Nature by Franka M. Gabler


Whispers of Nature by Franka M. Gabler

Exhibit: May 4 to May 28, 2023
Art Hop Reception: May 4, 2023 – 5PM to 8PM
Hazy Sunrise, Death Valley

For many years the photographer, Franka M. Gabler has been drawing inspiration from subtle, moody, often intimate landscapes. Her compositions are somewhere between detail or abstract, and the wider view, beyond mere documentation of a particular location. Such compositions allow her to isolate unique scenes that speak to her, from otherwise well-known places.

When in nature, Franka follows her intuition to see what entices her and draws her attention, hoping to recognize a simple story to capture the essence of the place.  She’s inherently drawn to smaller, more intimate scenes that capture the spirit of a place, particularly to quiet and moody scenes. Snow, mist, fog, and even haze are her favorite conditions to photograph since they add a little extra to the composition – a bit of atmosphere and mood. To her, the composition is more than just a choice of subject and distribution of key elements of the scene. It also includes exposure decisions, and choice of light, color, contrast, and weather – all these elements are particularly helpful in depicting mood and capturing the essence.

The exhibit “Whispers of Nature” includes photographs of smaller, evocative scenes from Yosemite, Eastern Sierra, and Death Valley – the places she knows well and with which she has developed an emotional connection.  Sometimes it’s about capturing subtle light, colors, and contrast. Other times it’s about capturing her experience in nature when making the images: the softness and silence of the falling snow, or a quiet time in a forest, observing nature that is preparing for rest.

Award-winning photographer and scientist, Franka M. Gabler, developed a fascination, admiration, and respect for nature early in her lifetime. For many years Franka has been photographing the magnificence of the high-country mountains and the California landscape. Her photographs are evocative – the light and atmosphere evident in her photographs often result in sentimental impact and ethereal feeling. She strives to capture the mood and the essence of the place she photographs.

Franka’s photographs have been recognized internationally, including the 2022 Landscape Photography World Awards (overall winner) and the 2021 Natural Landscape Photography First Place award in the category “Intimate and Abstract.”  Her photographs are published in several books and she has been featured in several photography magazines. Franka has been invited to speak at several photography conferences.

Her work has been featured in numerous exhibits and is represented in private collections throughout the United States and abroad. She is affiliated with Stellar Gallery in Oakhurst, Circle Gallery in Madera, Ridgeline Gallery in Mariposa, Viewpoint Photographic Center in Sacramento, and Spectrum Fine Art Gallery in Fresno, CA.

As part of Spectrum’s educational series Friday Photography Live, Franka will be giving a presentation “Capturing and Expressing Mood in Landscape Photography” on May 19, 2023, at 7 pm at the Spectrum Art Gallery. The event is open to the public.

Spectrum Art Gallery’s New Hours of Operation:

Thursdays and Fridays: 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Saturdays and Sundays: 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM

Spectrum Art Gallery Auction 2023 Exhibition


Spectrum Art Gallery Auction 2023 Exhibition

Exhibit: April 6 to April 30, 2023
Art Hop Reception: April 6, 2023 – 5PM to 8PM
LIVE Auction: April 30, 2023 5PM @ Tower Theatre – 815 E. Olive, Fresno CA

Finally, we can once again hold an unforgettable live event! Please join us to celebrate and support 43 years of bringing fine art photography to the Central Valley. During the month of April, Spectrum will be exhibiting a diverse collection of fine art photographs from distinguished and emerging artists. The works will be displayed through April at Spectrum Art Gallery, 608 East Olive Ave. Fresno, CA 93728.

For the main event, we have selected a NEW VENUE! This year, the live auction will be held at the historic, Tower Theater, 815 E Olive Ave, Fresno, CA 93728.
These fantastic works of art will be auctioned off to the highest bidder during this Live Annual Benefit Reception and Auction, held Sunday evening, April 30th. We will provide our guests with music, food, and wine while they mingle with fellow art enthusiasts and collectors in this grand old Theater.

Spectrum Art Gallery is a cooperative organization that exhibits both local and out of area fine art photography. We are proud to give our local artists an opportunity to exhibit their work in a premium gallery setting. We also bring in noted photographers each year to allow our local patrons a chance to see and appreciate nationally recognized artists in our local setting. This event combines a chance to view and appreciate fine art as well as an opportunity to take home artworks that speak to you. Nowhere else in the area will you have the chance to view and purchase works from the roster of both local and nationally known artists represented in this auction. Photography is an excellent investment in both economic and personal terms. Think of the opportunities that have been missed in the past. How many times have you, or someone you were speaking with, said “if only I had bought work by “x” back in (fill in the date) before he/she hit it big”. This is your chance to bid on both up and coming as well as fully established, internationally recognized, artist’s/artists’ work.

Your generous participation benefits Spectrum Art Gallery – one of the oldest cooperatives of its kind dedicated to advancing photography as an art form. Your support allows Spectrum to achieve its mission of supporting those who create, enjoy and collect photography, and offering an accessible community space for activities and programs to meet the community’s needs. Through your generosity, Spectrum is able to offer supplemental educational programs and workshops to our community, and continuously make a significant impact towards furthering the arts in the Central Valley.

This event is the primary annual fundraiser for Spectrum Art Gallery. Please join us for this important event and support photographic art in our community. Our gallery is a 501c(3) registered non-profit organization. 

Spectrum Art Gallery’s New Hours of Operation:

Thursdays: 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Fridays: 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Saturdays and Sundays: 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM

Invited Guests of Spectrum Art Gallery


Invited Guests Of Spectrum Art Gallery

Exhibit: March 2 to April 1, 2023
Art Hop Reception: March 2, 2023 – 5PM to 8PM
David Hoffman, Moonrise, Clearing Storm, 2022

Each Spectrum Art Gallery member invited one, non-member guest whose work they admire to display in this special exhibition of powerful imagery from our community in the gallery’s main space. On March 24th, Spectrum will host a Friday Photography Live, walk around discussion of the works on display and the various approaches the artists practice.

Friday Photography Live, walk around discussion, March 24, 7 pm

Spectrum Art Gallery’s New Hours of Operation:

ArtHop (1st) Thursdays: 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Fridays: 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Saturdays and Sundays: 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM

Signature Works: Members Show 2023


Signature Works: Members Show 2023

Exhibit: January 5 to February 26, 2023
Art Hop Reception: January 5, 2023 – 5PM to 8PM

Spectrum Art Gallery is proud to present the 2023 Member’s Exhibition. We are excited to show new works from our membership, including members who have recently joined our collective. This show will be an open theme, so members are able to highlight their favorite works they would like to share.

Our membership is an eclectic group of photographic artists from many different walks of life. We’ve come together to express our joy of photography, and continue to do so well into our current era. Forty-five years ago, exhibitions of photography as an art form appeared very infrequently, especially in the San Joaquin Valley. It was at that time that a growing number of photographic artists congregated in Photo-Synthesis, a darkroom rental gallery establishment. In 1980, this group formed a not-for-profit cooperative and created a local forum for fine art photography.

Spectrum Art Gallery’s New Hours of Operation:

ArtHop (1st) Thursdays: 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Fridays: 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Saturdays and Sundays: 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM